apc with cakephp working but the load time is more that a db hit


New Member
Hi i am just new to cakephp framework. I am using apc cache mechanism to scale the site and reduce my db hits. I am using php5.3.9 and mysql and both combined in bitnami lampstack 5.3.9 and using cakephp as a framework version 2.x.Things Happening while using Apc.[*]For the first time the db hit is happening and fetching theresult from db as in first load cache is not present.[*]When i again refresh the page it works fine it fetches the result from the cache.[*]When i hit 2 - 3 times the page keep on loading and no result comes up then again i have to restart my apache to run it again.I have enabled apc.so extension in php.in and is followed by the configuration
  • apc.enabled=1
  • apc.shm_segments=1
  • apc.shm_size=256M
  • apc.max_file_size=1M
  • apc.ttl=3600
  • apc.user_ttl=7200
  • apc.gc_ttl=3600
  • apc.stat=0
If i am using default file format which is provided by cakephp all thing works fine.Please let me know if i am missing anything.