apache/dreamweaver problem


I'm trying to create a root folder for a web application. I read this:<br />
After the server software is installed, create a root folder for your web application on the computer running the web server. <br />
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Make sure the folder is published by the web server姊歯 other words, the web server can serve any file in this folder or in any of its subfolders in response to an HTTP request from a web browser. For example, on a computer running PWS or IIS, any file in the Inetpub\wwwroot folder or in any of its subfolders can be served to a web browser.<br />
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I've created a local folder called "my sites". Now I'm suppose to make a root folder for my web application.<br />
I don't really know where to put the folder i'm suppose to make.<br />
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After creating a root folder, I think i'm suppose to make a remote folder. I'm not sure what that is. Part of what I read says' this:<br />
You don鎶