I am currently working on assignment where I have to parse Jenkins RSS feed for all builds and convert it to JSON. I am using tokenizeXML() to get XML values and I use my own aggregation strategy to generate json. So far so good. Then I take another JSON from another route using \[code\].enrich("direct:getJobBuild", new AllBuildsHistoryEnrichStrategy())\[/code\] to get these two json strings together. Route getJobBuild returns json with details about specific build. After that using rest response I want to generate json output. Where is the problem? I can see in karaf.log that the json strings were put together, but only for first iteration(first record) and in the next run I get empty(null) incoming json.\[code\] .when(header(CxfConstants.OPERATION_NAME).isEqualTo("getAllBuildsHistory")) .recipientList(simple(JENKINS_BASE + "/view/All/rssAll/?" + JENKINS_AUTH_OPTIONS + "&" + JENKINS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS)) .split().tokenizeXML("entry") .aggregationStrategy(new JenkinsBuildsHistoryAggregationStrategy()) .beanRef("jenkinsBean", "setJenkinsProperties") .convertBodyTo(String.class) .enrich("direct:getJobBuild", new AllBuildsHistoryEnrichStrategy()) .to("bean:restResponse?method=getRESTResponse") .endChoice()\[/code\]Method setJenkinsPropertis is setting up properties for route "getJobBuild"Bean restResponse generates json like this \[code\]response = response.ok(body.getJSON()).build();\[/code\]I just don't know why it works for the first node but no for the others-Thanks