AOL dial up not responding to my website.


Hi,<br />
I have a site that will absolutely not load on AOL dial up. I have compressed the images as low as possible and the entire site is actually quite small. It works perfectly on dsl/cable and even dial up through IE. Is there something I could do that maybe would help? I know connecting to sites using the aol browser can be hell, so any aol web programming tips/ideas would be appreciated. <br />
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Thx<!--content-->uhh where is the page?<br />
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and AOL uses IE so not sure what you are talking about.<!--content-->the quality of dialup service varies greatly from area to area, it could be that your AOL dialup connection is just not very good and the browser times out before the page loads.<br />
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AOL uses the IE browser as it foundation, so just about anything that works with IE will work with the AOL browser.<br />
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It could also be the security settings of the AOL browser not allowing the website to be accessed. Check the security settings and the trusted site settings and etc.<!--content-->When you go to aol and type it into their search engine (on dialup) it refuses to work. If you click on the IE tab and open up a seperate page it works. Nothing is wrong with the security settings that I know of.<!--content-->it is AOL search page that is messed up. it failed to find a results for me.<br />
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but in fact it is also google that does it as well.<br />
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it seems that your site is new and the search engines don't have it yet. give it another month and a spider will hit is soon.<!--content-->Well, the search engine isn't the problem (I don't think) it's the search window/bar in aol. <br />
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Could someone see if it works through AOL dialup when you type it in their web bar?<!--content-->oh you said the search.<br />
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what version of AOL are you using? and not to be rude or anything but I wouldn't be caught dead using AOL dialup. so I can't really help you.<br />
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what if you just ran IE alone (not in AOL) and did it? does it work?<!--content-->yeah, dial up sucks that's why I have cable. lol A particular pc that has been tried with dial up AOL had version 7.0 on it. I'm just trying to get it set so the customers who do have dial up AND aol can access that site. <br />
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It does work though IE on dial up IF you click on the IE tab.<!--content-->