Anywayto make an inline frame or DIV fill up all remaining space on screen


Hi I'm using an inline frame for all the content of my site(while the interfaces and navigation stuff are on the page where the frame is).<br />
I want to make the frame take up the remaining width and height on the screen. I don't want to put an absolute measurement because my computer screen is relatively larger than the screens most people use. And a percentage is the same problem because then the inline frame might then overlap with the navigation stuff, wich is absolutely positioned.<br />
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Anyway my point is, is there a way I can make the frame take up whatever remaining of empty space there is?<br />
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PS: If this can be done with DIV tags only, then I wouldn't mind using them instead. But either way I don't know how to do this.<!--content-->in your framset you use the *, it uses up the rest the first setting didn't use.<br />
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<frameset cols="123,*" frameborder="0" border="0"><!--content-->I know about that but I'm using inline frames, how can this be done with inline frames?<!--content-->sorry my fault.<br />
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although I don't use Iframes but couldn't you use width and height tags in it?<br />
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<iframe width=100%><br />
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or if that goes over your navigation I suppose you could use absolute postioning for it. seeing that NS doesn't use Iframe then you wouldn't have to worry the absolute values not working in NS.<br />
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or set the iframe in a span or div tag<!--content-->