Anyone want to take a look at this?


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Just take a look at it and tell me how I can center the news and text to the right of all the tables. I don't need to know about the countless errors just tell me how to center it.<!--content-->You would have to put align=right on all the table tags that you want on the right. It should put them on the right. And before the text, put <p align="center/right">and then the text</p> if you want any specif allignment for the text.<!--content-->Ummm, what the heck is align="center/right"? It most certainly is not an acceptable tag under any of the current HTML standards, i.e. HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0! Kind of funny the site has a doctype declaration of <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> and very little of the code meets 4.0.<br />
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Besides your solution doesn't actually work in IE 6 gtmitch.<br />
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Try something like:<br />
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<TD style="padding-left: 100; text-align: center; width: 100%"> <br />
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If that doesn't work, then put the text-align into the <p> tag like this <p style="text-align: center"><br />
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Neil<!--content-->/ means or. Pest. As in, choose your own, I don't care.<!--content-->People such as option will complain about anything, without knowing that little marks like / mean or. How stupid a person can be. No offense.<!--content-->So you think that when people come here the fact that you give them incorrect code and I point out that your code is wrong and try and provide them with correct working code makes me someone who complains???????<br />
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People come here looking for correct code that will work. They do not come here to keep your vanity satisfied. Consequently, if you tell them something that is flat out wrong, you have no reason to take offense at anyone for them pointing out it is wrong. And yes, you most definitely were wrong so learn to live with it.<br />
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As for "knowing that little marks like / mean" if you want to write your own shorthand do so, but don't go including it in code because, guess what, the freaking code won't work with your ridiculuous shorthand included in it. If you had said something like align="right" and/or align="center" then everyone would know what you were on about. However, you chose simply to include a meaningless slash.<br />
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Besides for your information, I actually searched and people have in the past used align="center/right" as a tag. No doubt led by people like you who can't even write straight code. So either try and help people with correct code or don't bother and at least then you stop confusing them even further.<br />
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As for the personal insult well that makes you about as mature and half-smart as Ryan so if I was you I'd think before I go calling someone else stupid, especially given your (lack of) credibility now days.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->A newbie would quite likely type in align="center/right" exactly as shown not realising that you actually meant to say "align="center" or align="right"" instead.<br />
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Don't ignore the errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->). They won't fix themselves. You do need to fix the nesting errors. The entity errors and missing attributes, are a trivial 5 minute fix as well. Even silly little errors can cause strange problems, like the one mentioned in this [post (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=19007</a><!-- m -->)].<br />
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If you want to see newbie mistakes in full colour, do this [search (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... gle+Search</a><!-- m -->)] or this [one (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Page+Title</a><!-- m -->)] or look at [this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rt=10&sa=N</a><!-- m -->)].<br />
Scary! One and a half Million hits! eep.<!--content-->