Anyone Use Coppermine?


I really wanna use this because I like the overall look of it. But everytime I try and upload a picture I get this error at the top of the page:<br />Warning: move_uploaded_file(./albums/edit/mHTTP_temp_cc72095c.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/bridge/public_html/BridgeGallery/upload.php on line 1197<br /><br />Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpGmPhsH' to './albums/edit/mHTTP_temp_cc72095c.jpg' in /home/bridge/public_html/BridgeGallery/upload.php on line 1197<!--content-->
I do.<br />Make sure directory albums and all subdirectories inside it have permission 777.<!--content-->
How safe is it to leave the albums/subdirectories at 777? Do we risk having our pictures hacked?<br /><br />Betty1, do you know how to change file permissions? If you don't (I just learned what this 644 / 755 / 777 etc. stuff is about two weeks ago), then post back to the forum and we'll explain it in detail.<!--content-->
Anytime you change file permissions to allow anyone to update you run a risk. However Gallery will not function unless you do.<br /><br />And I have not heard of anyone having any problems with their images being hacked.<!--content-->
Okie, I've got all these different permission things and I don't wanna pick the wrong one to change. That's what's got me a little stumped. I'm kind of new to those gallery scripts.<br /><br />In fact, I'm about ready to give up on Coppermine and go with 4Images.<!--content-->
From the <a href="" target="_blank">help site.</a><br /><br />When everything is uploaded, chmod the following folders to 777:<br />albums/ <br />albums/userpics/ <br />albums/edit/<br />includes/<!--content-->
Okay, I've ran the installation thing and I'm getting this error:<br />Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered<br /><br />MySQL error was : Access denied for user: 'bridge27@localhost' (Using password: YES)<br /><br />I entered the MySQL information exactly as it's set up.<!--content-->
Never mind. I finally got it to work on my own.<br /><br />Now I know what the big deal about Coppermine is. I love it so far. I used the tutorial on TCH's site about it and got going in no time. Thanks everyone for your help. Stuff like this is hard for me because I'm not used to using it.<!--content-->
Betty,<br />I纾