Anyone got Zemus-X VB Edition


New Member
Oh my goodness me, I've just seen this simply adorable skin and have found myself smitten with it, it's too much for words. Sadly it's a commercial skin and the designer wants $40, yeah right, like we can spend that on a skin with a newborn baby at home, our first I might add and (screeeeeeeeeeeeams) "I need some sleep"!

Okay, I'm back again, pretty please has anyone got a copy to share, you'll get a HUGE cyber kiss!

Zemus-X VB Edition Can be seen here
Hello sweethearts, just wanted to bump my thread but I find the bumped threads that simply *bump* reply quite rude so I thought I'd say hello.
While I'm here, I hope you all have a lovely day ;-)
Love & Hugs
I hope no-one finds my bumping my thread again rude, it's been a while since I asked again and I'm still very hoping to get this skin.
Does anyone have a copy of this they are willing to share, please ;-)