any suggestions


New Member
I just started using mysql and need some help.
I have a website with about 50 music albums and each album has between 10-20 songs in real player format.
I want to store all this information on a mysql database. Right now i have a table with just the name of the album, author, url, # of song and # of hits. I also want to store the song titles and the song urls but i am not sure what to do.

1- If i add a field for every song the albums have different number of songs, so if i add 20 fields and the album only has 10 songs then the other ten will just waste space.

2- If i make another table with just three fields [album name] [song name] [song url]
then i will have to add 600 records or so for all the songs i have. I dont know if i will be able to work with that many records.

3- Or i can make a table for every album and will have 50 tables.

4- Or i can use a text file for every album

Again i am just learning php and mysql so i dont know much about the space this info will take or how easy it will be to pull and push info into the database.

Has anyone done this before? Which of the above choices would you choose? Any other suggestions are welcomed.
