Any sole domain name buyers?


New Member
Many people on here whose sole funds come from domain name buying, them selling them off later for a higher price?

I have recently got into domain name buying, been mostly looking for things that are going to be big in the future, then taking them now, with hope they will have interest in the future

Havnt read any tips or tricks haha (if there is any), but just wondering if people really do make a great living, as i have seen so many domains sell for stupidly high prices :cool:

p.s im just getting into it, so this section is great, i already own some top domains that i think will become big in the future

i have been looking in technology to see whats going to be released, and registering domains that are expensive as a product in that niche, but for the new product

If thats a bad or good idea i dont know, personally i think its a good idea, i currently own only about 23 domains :)