any one like to see my firs web site?


its my firs web site and i will like to see what people think abut it so can you look an t my web site and tell me what you think? thanks:confused: <br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->Not bad, but the pictures and the applet are a little bit heavy in weight!<br />
Why did you disabled the rightclick event?<!--content-->Now you can go and learn how to create a W3C vaild website and learn how to use CSS instead of tables for layout. Plus, try to make your load times a little easier on us 56K modem users. Oh, incase that disable right click was to prevent people from stealing your stuff, I have a copy of your site on my hard drive. Don't worry, we were all ignorant newbies at some point. :-)<!--content-->thanks!<br />
i dont know why pic is dosent work i will try to do again.<!--content-->