Any disadvantage to using Zend for a very small website


New Member
I'm using Zend and want to know if there's any disadvantages to using it for a small website. The website is maybe 4 pages: a couple of forms and a couple of static pages. Will Zend still speed up development for such a small website? or the opposite? Does the whole bootstrapping flow and MVC structure and routing overburden performance for such a small website? I see it being useful for a big website serving lots of content, but for a brochure website, does it still make sense to use the framework. It's sitting on the server so there's no initial cost to adding it to the project, but is there performance and implementation issues (maybe longer implementation time) for such a small project I'm not noticing yet?\[quote\] I'm getting suggestions for other frameworks. I'm sure Codeigniter, Kohana, and modx are great, but they require time to learn their API. I already know and use Zend so the choice is between it and plain PHP.\[/quote\]