Any advice?


Any advice?

I'm a relatively new freelance web designer looking to develop a website using ASP.Net. Its not an ecommerce site but it will have some kind of login details for customers as well as the opportunity for the client to be able to upload the information relatively easy. I'm very interested in the development side of database driven sites as it will also help me to get more jobs, I feel that I should dive into the deep end as i tend to learn quicker that way than going through step by step tutorials.

has anyone got any useful resources that I could look at, ones I've found so far don't actually any example projects, just how ASP.Net works and how to create a form.

Replies greatly appreciated. :confused:Well what exactly are you looking for?

You should check out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. That is one of the best sites around.