ANOUNCEMENT:use dicriptive subjects and good message bodys


im seein tons on crude in subject and messages:<br />
reminder and info for new pll:<br />
dont use subjects like:<br />
<br />
<br />
newby needs help<br />
needs expert<br />
i cant figure this out<br />
this should be in the javascript thing, but im to lazy<br />
need help<br />
need help with this<br />
im confused<br />
what the heck??!?!?!<br />
<br />
and anything vaugly like that<br />
<br />
reminder and info for new pll:<br />
messages:<br />
<br />
dont put huge codes in, put then in sections in to code block by using the [ code] and [ /code]<br />
(without the spaces)<br />
dont put the code in without discription of problem, im seeing messages like:<br />
<br />
i need help with this script, please fix then emain me<br />
script start.........5 pages later................scrip end<br />
<br />
at LEAST put a line of code like:<br />
>>>>heres where the problem is pleease fix iv try blah blah blah and blah<br />
<br />
im sorry i sound like a moderator but it drives me nuts, oh yea and those rright click scripts-they stink at sucurity, use microsofts vbscript and javascript encoder or make js and vbs files. and also right click scipts make problems for disabled pll, they may have special function programmed into it like read this to me or make it bigger<br />
<br />
and its extreemly thoughtfull of anyone who has scripts on there pages like make all the little text bigger, or make a page that just the words for the sligly deaf pll so there read aloud prfograms work<br />
<br />
i applaud anyone who does that<br />
<br />
so just remember those things and yea ................<!--content-->amen to that.<!--content-->Holy crap PeOfEo! Thats what I was gonna say<br />
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Just another note about right-click scripts.<br />
<br />
If you are worried about people taking pictures, I would (as a resort) get the code so people can't right-click pictures- not the whole page! I always right-click things and "open as a new window" since webmasters are not smart enough to put on a back button.<br />
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Also, it is extremely easy to bypass right click. I alot of browsers have the "view source" button on the tool bar- something you can't disable.<br />
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Or, I select all of the page, paste it into some text editor (I use Frontpage) and view the HTML coding from there- I find the image file, go directly to its URL, and voila- image copied. Now, at least get a copyright, but even then, people will still steal your stuff.<!--content-->You could just watermark the images that people will be after, like not the ones used to do your borders and things like that but images in an image gallery maybe and your banner.<!--content-->...must not have seen <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=16096</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks for the link, that thread should be pinned to the top of the forums for a while.<!--content-->It is... look in the javascript section...<!--content-->I mean pin it up there like the announcement above it, and in every forum. Humm he posted it in one of the places I never go to... the java script forum.<!--content-->