another screen resolution question

I think i've seen this done before, but is there anyway that i can have it so if some one is using a 800 by 600 resolution on a 1024 by 768 resolution site, they don't get all them scrollers on the screen when usin iframes, but they get everything squashed into 800 by 600 resolution???<br />
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thanx<!--content-->use percentages for widths and it will stretch or squish according to the size of the viewing area.<br />
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width="75%"<!--content-->u mean use that in the iframe or the main page?<!--content-->if you amde a website for 1024x768 users and a 800x600 user came along, it doens't matter wha tyou did, they will get scrollbars. you can't squish somethng done and not expect the scrollbars to go away. if the content is small enough then it won't show any scrollbars, but my guess is it will not squish that far.<br />
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and what Trans was saying, yes in the iframe and the apge itself. you should be using it anyway all over the place.<!--content-->