When I resize the window in IE the content div moves. In FF i am not having this probem. Any suggestions? <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.rgabbard.com/sw/index.htmI">www.rgabbard.com/sw/index.htmI</a><!-- w --> havent looked in depth to why it is doing this but are you trying to go for a centered layout becuase you could use a container div and use margin:0 auto on it as it seems IE is cutting off your right side bar because it is positioned quite far to the right of the screen.everything is floated, thus nothing is in the document flow, thus it has no way of centerering anythingahh i dont quite understand sam as it is basically the same layout as my site and i have used floats with some small margins if you would like to check see the link in the post bitty.Sorry Sam now i get you every element is floated unlike mine isnt its only some of the columns which are.
Sorry for the stupidty ive been looking a php code for too long todayI do believe i have fixed the problem.
Sorry for the stupidty ive been looking a php code for too long todayI do believe i have fixed the problem.