Another newbie question, im afraid!


Hello people. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Im looking to create a site that will have many pages on it, and need a way of managing them more easier than editing them individually. Now I know this is done in a variety of ways, but I get completely lost when trying to find out how. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be very much appreciated!<!--content-->Start with Server Side Includes.<br />
If that is not enough learn server side scripting PHP or ASP<br />
If that is not enough add database interaction.<!--content-->Thanks Vladdy. Are you able to point me to any books/sites that are more specific to my problem?<!--content-->Just google PHP tutorials. I reccomend PHP but that's only my personal preference. Have a taster of other server side languages. It will amaze you what you can with a bit of server side knowledge!<br />
<br />
Best Wishes, <br />
David<!--content-->Yeah, I've been looking around and PHP looks like the way to go.<br />
Thanks for the help!<!--content-->Originally posted by existenz <br />
Hello people. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Im looking to create a site that will have many pages on it, and need a way of managing them more easier than editing them individually. Now I know this is done in a variety of ways, but I get completely lost when trying to find out how. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be very much appreciated! for future reference, title your threads more descriptivly about your problem. Do not use newbie in a thread title.<!--content-->another (and slightly more expensive) way of accomplishing this is by using Dreamweaver (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _dw_082403</a><!-- m -->) to set up a template. if you make any changes to the template in an editable region, all pages are updated. it also has a built-in ftp system so you can put up the pages once their uploaded.<!--content-->