Another Netscape IE Cell Height Q


Hello,<br />
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I know this has been posted a lot before, but I just can't seem to find a solution to this problem. Sorry for my stupidity, but I am attempting to learn :).<br />
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Anyways, my page at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> is displaying different cell heights for the middle part where it says BroadBand Internet in IE 6 and Netscape 7.<br />
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The cell is twice the height of what I want it to be in Netscape, IE displays it perfectly.<br />
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Additionally what is really odd to me is that Netscape does not resize the top table row where the Mindworks logo is.<br />
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Any assistance offered would be greatly appreciated.<br />
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Thanks!<br />
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- Brent<!--content-->Well I have figured out how to reduce the size of the cell by removing a <p> and </p> tag, but now there seems to be one or two extra pixels riding along the bottom of the middle grey cell. The image height on the right is 32px and the cell should be the same.<br />
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This now displays incorrectly in IE and Netscape. It doesn't look horrible, but bothers me that there is one or two px there that shouldnt be along the bottom of that cell.<br />
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Thanks in advance,<br />
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- Brent<!--content-->This is just a guess, but it always seems to work when other people suggest it. Make the "td" that contains the image all on one line. Most browsers treat a line break as white space.<!--content-->That took care of it. Thank you very much!<br />
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:)<br />
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- Brent<!--content-->