Another C# problem


Why this's not working: (this's not the full code).

for (i = 0; i < dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
DataRow CatRow = dstTopics.Tables[0].NewRow();
CatRow["CategoryID"] = (int)dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0];

it gives me this error: Specified cast is not valid.
When i try this: Convert.ToInt32(dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0])

it gives me this error: Input string was not in a correct format.

when i try not using any cast type, it gives looooooooooooong error statment,
Thanks too much for helplogic for this line has a problem.

CatRow["CategoryID"] = (int)dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0];

What are you trying to do??

-Takwell i'm trying to do is to insert a new row in Dataset table, i made it in VB.NET and it works pretty fine, but in C#, i'm stuck with that problemreplace the line with this,

CatRow["CategoryID"] = (int)dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0];

CatRow["CategoryID"] = ((int)(dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0]));

I think the problem is, you are not casting the 0th element of ItemArray, you were casting Rows...

-TakThank you alot, but the problem still existWhen i tried to cast to string it worked fine
string curCat;
curCat = (string)dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0];

and i tried what you told but it didnt work
CatRow["CategoryID"] = ((int)dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[1]);

note: it was wrong when i wrote itemArray[0] first time, it was ItemArray[1]Ok, try this,

ItemArray returns a type Object. And I dont think, Convert.ToInt32 takes an Object type as param, you will probabaly have to do a Convert.ToInt32(.....ItemArray[0].ToString());


P.S. Without casting it, if you try to print it out on the screen, does anything display?

and why dont you do a TypeOf and display the type?

B/c the issue is with casting, if you can find out what is ItemArray[0] is actually holding, that will help.

takWhen i tried to cast to string it worked fine
string curCat;
curCat = (string)dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0];

and i tried what you told but it didnt work
CatRow["CategoryID"] = ((int)dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[1]);

note: it was wrong when i wrote itemArray[0] first time, it was ItemArray[1]

Did you try this?

CatRow["CategoryID"] = ((int) (dstTopics.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[1]) );Yes sir same problem, can you show me how to use typeof?!Heeeeeeeeeey, can anybody tell me how to use it?! and this thread is not complete yet!!! :)hi.

Use GetType.ToString to get the type of that obj.

like, Button b;
label1.text = b.GetType.ToString
