I'm trying to \[code\]$watch\[/code\] \[code\]myMap\[/code\] but it never fires. I've narrowed it down to having used \[code\]ui-if\[/code\] (if I remove the ui-if, \[code\]$scope.myMap\[/code\] is the proper google maps object). However I need to keep the ui-if in order to get \[code\]ui-map\[/code\] to wait for my AJAX/Db query to finish.Why isn't myMap being added to scope (and how do I get it to)?PlunkerEdit I see from this GitHub issue that ui-if creates its own scope. So how do I access its scope / wherever \[code\]myMap\[/code\] now lives? Also, why does ui-if create a new scope?