Android xml attributes equivalent to Java code


New Member
is there any documentation page that shows which android \[code\]XML\[/code\] attributes are equivalent to android Java code? for example I have a \[code\]TextView\[/code\] something like:\[code\]<TextView android:id="@+id/tview" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="v0.5 (beta)" android:textColor="#ffffff" android:textSize="10sp" />\[/code\]I need an online documentation page or something that shows/list all of the used java code which equivalent to the above attributes. I.e:\[code\]android:id\[/code\] is equivalent to \[code\]setId(int id)\[/code\]\[code\]android:text\[/code\] is equivalent to \[code\]setText(String string)\[/code\]... and so onI hope you guys got the idea of what I want.