Android variables in strings.xml


New Member
Somewhere I read how to use variables in XML document. They said it's very simple and I guess it was. I successfully used it that way in Android strings.xml file. I was using it that way the whole day until suddenly android stopped to parse it and stopped to treat it like a variable.I used it in this way:\[code\]<resources><string name="some_string">string1</string><string name="another_string"> {$some_string} trolololo </string></resources>\[/code\]and in java accessing it through: getApplicationContext().getString(R.strings.another_string);\[code\]getApplicationContext().getString(R.strings.another_string);\[/code\]In the output I used to receive string like:\[code\]string1 trolololo\[/code\]and now I receive only:\[code\]{$some_string} trolololo\[/code\]Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I know that Android's XML may differ than standard XML, but IT USED TO WORK. Awww... Thanks for any advice.