This is actually a memory training app, with matrix of squares wich flips to their other side and than back to first side. And user need to click on squares that flipped. You know what I mean?
Something like that.What I need is that sizes of the matrix would change dynamically. If user have been passed one level of complexity (matrix size is 4x4 for example), then matrix size would grow (5x5 for example), and if not then matrix size would get smaller (3x3 for example). I hope that's clear, and if not - sorry, English is not my native language =)So if I would do it from code this would not be a problem. I would use ViewFlipper with some transition animation and create TableView with sizes that I want with inflater or something like that (or directly from code without using xml at all). And then adding it to ViewFlipper from code.But somehow I don't like that idea.Then next idea come into my mind. To do ViewFlipper with all possible tableviews in it and then just showNext(); or showPrevious(); depending on what user have done. But in this case XML would be of very great size.So maybe someone knows the another way to do it?