Android - Sqlite or Xml?


New Member
I am working on an android app that takes measures from an activity like \[code\]date + time + int1 + int2 + int3 + string\[/code\].I want to save those measures and then :1) activity to show them in a list sorted by date + time and show only\[code\] date + time + int1 + int 2\[/code\]and when i click on to show all the fields in a new activity or a toast or a dialog2) activity to be able to send the last day/ last 7 days / last 30 days records attached to an email3) activity to draw 2-3 charts like pie chart/other using the records4) i want to be able to send these records to Microsoft Healthsvault(it needs them at specific xml pattern)Now i don't know how to go on.Should i use xml to save these records or sqlite.Which is better with what i want to do like charts etcIf i save them in a sqlite db can i easily export data to an xml file?or should i use only xml.It is convenient xml for the things i want to make?