./ and SEO


New Member
When putting ./ or ../ to links instead of writing the whole path, does that affect SEO in any way? use complete URL's whenever possible. http://www. always. Google has to be able to recognize the exact URL or it won't count the link. Quote: Originally Posted by n0mad When putting ./ or ../ to links instead of writing the whole path, does that affect SEO in any way? I think this article may help you.

Quote: We also suggest you link to other pages of your site using absolute, rather than relative, links with the version of the domain you want to be indexed under. For instance, from your home page, rather than link to products.html, link to http://www.example.com/products.html . And whenever possible, make sure that other sites are linking to you using the version of the domain name that you prefer. http://sitemaps.blogspot.com/2006/05...gle-group.html Quote: Originally Posted by n0mad When putting ./ or ../ to links instead of writing the whole path, does that affect SEO in any way? No, it shouldn't matter since search engine spiders are intelligent enough to follow the relative paths to your pages. Using the absolute urls will be fine - it is more of a personal choice than an SEO technique. Quote: Originally Posted by gobeyond No, it shouldn't matter since search engine spiders are intelligent enough to follow the relative paths to your pages. Using the absolute urls will be fine - it is more of a personal choice than an SEO technique. Did you happen to read Google's comments on this in the post directly above yours? Nice article. Thanks for your advice Quote: Originally Posted by Cricket Did you happen to read Google's comments on this in the post directly above yours? I did and I think the relative links are just fine.
The search engines and guest will see a page as site.com/newpage.asp even if the link on the home page is only to ./newpage.asp

Sometimes it isn't possible to make all links direct, if you are running a test install of the site.

You should add your site to google webmaster tools and add an htaccess if you want the www or not. I seem to remember reading some info on the Google webmaster postings that recommend using absolute links. How much extra work is that? Quote: Originally Posted by n0mad When putting ./ or ../ to links instead of writing the whole path, does that affect SEO in any way? Giving whole path is best.

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