I run a site for my local amateur radio club http://www.k0gq.org.I've been trying to learn as much as I can about improving my site's ranking in search results. A couple times now I've read that having links from my site to other sites with poor page ranks (or even worse links to banned sites) can hurt my site's ranking. One area of content I want to keep on my site is information about the amateur radio community in the Kansas City area. I have a page set aside for links to other Kansas City area clubs. The problem is the almost all of the links are to sites that have rankings that are just as bad or worse than mine.So my question is does my local links page wind up hurting me because it's full of links to sites with poor rankings, or does it actually help because all the anchor text for the links is full of keywords that I want associated with my site?Would this be a good application for blocking google from following my outbound links?you can use robots nofollow meta tagto request search engines not to follow your outbound links.