An ORM framework for XML


New Member
I am always bound to write an XML serializer classes to save data to disk in my different applications that use XML files as a structured info storage.Is there a tool that you can feed an example of an XML structure and it will generate a c-sharp class to work with such xml structure?For example I want to work with XML store of "projects"\[code\]<projectsInfo> <projectTypes> <Type>super</Type> <Type>best</Type> </projectTypes> <projects> <project> <name>One</name> <p-type>best</p-type> </project> </projects> </projectsInfo>\[/code\]And it would generate a Linq-to-XML enabled class to add/remote types and projects instances.Maybe this is already a commonly solved solution I am just not aware of, or everyone is using a build-in XML serialization of memory objects?