i have been developing a class library that loads and displays all the controls on a website dynamically,what i need to do now is that when a process is happening i need to bring up a confirmation dialog if something in the code is off, (Like an value is incorrect/outdated, do u want to continue processing regardless)basically i need to interupt the process/Method being run re-render a modal popup and when the confirmation is accepted continue with the processing,i currently have a custom class that uses a simple JqueryUI dailog with two asp buttons in it for confirmation,what i do not know is how to actually interupt the method, add the control to the page, render the page and then after confirmation continue with the procedure that was running.all the controls get dynamically added to a asp
laceholder duing onInit. at the moment in not using an update panel yet, cause it breaks some of the javascripts(still a todo)