New Member
is there anything wrong with this code??\[code\]<?phprequire('classes/show_class.php');$show=new show($_GET["cinema_id"]); //CAN I MAKE 2 GETS LIKE THIS?? MAYBE THIS$show=new show($_GET["movie_id"]); // IS THE ERROR$showcinemas = $show->get_show_cinemas(); echo '<table border="1">'; echo '<tr><td align="center"><b>CINEMA<b></td></tr>';foreach ($showcinemas as $show){ $show_id = $show['show_id']; $show_datetime = $show['show_datetime']; $cinema_id = $show['cinema_id']; $movie_id = $show['movie_id']; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; echo "<a href='{$cinema_id}&movie_id={$movie_id}&show_id={$show_id}'>" . $show_datetime . '</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>';} echo '</table>';?>\[/code\]the php link shows always "/show_theater.php?cinema_id=1&movie_id=1&show_id=1"means it takes always cinema_id=1, movie_id=1 and show_id=1i hope i made this question clear...thnk u