An Article Submit Program


What program could i use to have a website where you could post an article? I've tried edge and phpnuke but i cant seem to get them to install, is there any other programs that are not php based? Any Sugestions are most welcome<!--content-->greymatter and movable type are perl-based blogging/cms systems so you might look into them.<!--content-->Originally posted by dera <br />
What program could i use to have a website where you could post an article? I've tried edge and phpnuke but i cant seem to get them to install, is there any other programs that are not php based? Any Sugestions are most welcome .net nuke if you have and starter kits. I am an man so I know those. There are some very good asp based cms's and jsp ones too. Look you can just go and try one for every technology you need to figure out what your server supporrts first and know that not all premade stuff can just be uploaded and run because you need to play with server settings, you might need to talk to a server admin or if you have remote access or run the server yourself change them yourself.<!--content-->The problem with all the applications out there which use some form of dynamic insertion for the editorial content is they are difficult for beginners to customise.<br />
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I have been working on a solution to this problem which (hopefully) should be easy to understand and allows the novice to use a system which in itself requires they only need understand regular HTML. I have also developed it so advanced users can customise the application in their own way too - so it is very flexible.<br />
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I have called the system PrimedCMS - it is a content management system with the emphasis on being simple to use. It has taken two years to develop and will soon be available for release. It will cost around ?50 but is capable of running an entire website similar to<br />
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Using PrimedCMS you could easily have a news article section which you can update and edit through an online admin control panel. You can also have several different designs for your site.<br />
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Have a look at the testbed area if you would like to see a working version of the application. (I cannot show you the admin section yet but a demo will soon be online for this too).<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->neato.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
neato. <br />
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Glad you like it :) <br />
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It has not ben easy to design a CMS system which allows total flexibility when placing the content and allows for multiple designs.<br />
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I have left the architecture open - this was a huge struggle. By this I mean it was damned difficult to design an application which could serve the uses required by different types of user.<br />
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For instance, a web developer can use this system to design websites for customers and allow the customer to update the content without affecting the design elements - just like they would edit text in something like Microsoft Word.<br />
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Or a web developer could use it to have several different sections of a website - each with a different design. This would allow them to tailor each design to work with different browsers - a bonus when you want to have your site accessible to disabled users etc.<br />
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Or you could even have the same design across all the sites, but each different section of the site could be in a different language so the site is truly global.<br />
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As I said - not an easy project but I am pleased with the results. I just hope lots of people find it easy to use and buy it :)<br />
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Oh yes- I forgot to mention - there are also several plug-ins which are available for it too. These include a search engine (like Google), an FAQ manager, a careers zone, a Download <!--more--> manager and a WYSIWYG editor. I am working on several others too. Release date is most likely to be sometime in May/June 2004<!--content-->I know its a lot of work, I am going to be making one soon, a custumb job, secure cms with for a local church here. They will have 100 % complete control of the content and secondary pages. I will only have maybe 5 to 6 pages but all of the content / secondary page data will be in the data base of course, mssql server. They will be able to upload files and do everything even select from 3 layouts I am going to make by swapping out the style sheet. It will be nice but a ton of work to get done.<!--content-->Is free?<br />
btw, thanks everybody for there replies :D<!--content-->Originally posted by dera <br />
Is free?<br />
btw, thanks everybody for there replies :D 100% free to use.<!--content-->Originally posted by dera <br />
Is free?<br />
btw, thanks everybody for there replies :D To qualify a bit what our STM said, it's 100% free to use as long as your web server is IIS. I.e. as long as your OS is a supporting version of Windows.<!--content-->Originally posted by ray326 <br />
To qualify a bit what our STM said, it's 100% free to use as long as your web server is IIS. I.e. as long as your OS is a supporting version of Windows. No, will run on linux <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> w/ apache. This mono project supports c# and so far, and those are the two most used langs to do<!--content-->can this be installed on shared space servers like phpbb can nd stuff like that<br />
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ur website (PeOfEo 's website) what is did u use to make it? is it<!--content-->