Amending a join query to add a new value to a query


New Member
The query below works well. It pulls information from 3 MySQL tables: login, submission, and comment.It creates a value called totalScore2 based on calculation of values pulled from these three tables.The MySQL tables "comment" and "submission" both have the following fields:\[code\]loginid submissionid\[/code\]In the table "submission," each "submissionid" has only one entry/row, and thus only one "loginid" associated with it.In the table "comment," the field "submissionid" could have several entries/rows, and could be associated with multiple "loginid"s.Each time one of the "submissionid"s in "comment" is associated with the same "loginid" that it has in the table "submission," I would like to add this as a factor to the equation below. I would like to multiple instances like this times (-10).How could I do this?Thanks in advance,John\[code\]$sqlStr2 = "SELECT l.loginid, l.username, l.created, DATEDIFF(NOW(), l.created) + COALESCE(, 0) * 5 + COALESCE(, 0) * 10 + COALESCE(, 0) AS totalScore2FROM login l LEFT JOIN ( SELECT loginid, COUNT(1) AS total FROM submission GROUP BY loginid) s ON l.loginid = s.loginidLEFT JOIN ( SELECT loginid, COUNT(1) AS total FROM comment GROUP BY loginid) c ON l.loginid = c.loginidLEFT JOIN ( SELECT S2.loginid, COUNT(1) AS total FROM submission S2 INNER JOIN comment C2 ON C2.submissionid = S2.submissionid GROUP BY S2.loginid) scs ON scs.loginid = l.loginidGROUP BY l.loginidORDER BY totalScore2 DESC LIMIT 25";\[/code\]