Ambert Alert Ticker for vBulletin 3.6-3.8


New Member
This is to add a Amber Alert ticker to your website. The alert will show up in every single page except for the AdminCP.

All you need to do is go Styles & Templates>Search in Templates> I would choose navbar and hit find. Scroll down to navbar (which is in red) and double click it. scroll to the very bottom of the code and insert this.

Amber Alert for United States
<!-- Begin Code Amber Ticker code. -->
<p align="center">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="">
<!-- end of Code Amber Ticker code (c)Copyright 2002 - 2008-->

When you are done pasting this code, click save and that is it. Go to your forum and you will see under the Navigation bar a yellow bar with Amber Alerts. It may take 5-15 seconds to load all the information, but it stays up to date.

newperson2008 said:
hmm tried it and not all that great.. it should be like the myspace one it would make more since then..

What were you expecting? Big flashing screen with sound and pictures? I can see the complaints rolling in from my users.

Yeah, it's svelte and up at the top. It's also bright yellow so it can get the attention of people.
but scrolling is just weird looking, there should be some options to style is differently with css or something at least you know? or just a box saying Amber Alert: with alerts.
The hole point to scrolling is it catches the eye regardless of placement. From my personal point of view I'd rather have it sticking out so that I or a member see's it and possibly stops or assists in the apprehension of an abducted child. For that very reason alone if you wish to display in the first place than you have had this consideration in your mind for your self and your site. Although to each his own.
i relize that but still it should have at least some options to edit the apperance of it such as the width, height, link colors, text color. i can understand it being yellow its just it doesn't fit into any theme unless you can at least adjust the width of it.
There are ONLY 4 tickers available. 2 for the US and 2 for Canada.

And as a side note. I am a father of 2 Children. And if anyone would to kid nap them and if someone moans and groans about how a friggen ticker looks that could save their life, I would be tempted to remove their face.

With that said.
If this ticker saves someones life then I could care less what color it is. I would accept it as bright pink with green pokadots and blue pulsing stripes. All that matters is that it saves lives.

Long US Code Amber Ticker
<!-- Begin Code Amber Ticker code. -->
<p align="center">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="">
<!-- end of Code Amber Ticker code (c)Copyright 2002 - 2008-->

Short US Code Amber Ticker
<!-- Begin Code Amber Ticker code. -->
<p align="center">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="">
<!-- end of Code Amber Ticker code (c)Copyright 2002 - 2008-->

Long Canadian Code Amber Ticker
<!-- Begin Code Amber Ticker code. -->
<p align="center">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="">
<!-- end of Code Amber Ticker code (c)Copyright 2002 - 2008-->

Short Canadian Code Amber Ticker
<!-- Begin Code Amber Ticker code. -->
<p align="center">
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="">
<!-- end of Code Amber Ticker code (c)Copyright 2002 - 2008-->