Am I using PHP's crypt() function correctly?


New Member
I've been using PHP's \[code\]crypt()\[/code\] as a way to store and verify passwords in my database. I use hashing for other things, but \[code\]crypt()\[/code\] for passwords. The documentation isn't that good and there seems to be a lot of debate. I'm using blowfish and two salts to crypt a password and store it in the database. Before I would store the salt and the encrypted password, (like a salted hash) but realized its redundant because the salt is part of the encrypted password string.I'm a little confused on how rainbow table attacks would work on \[code\]crypt()\[/code\], anyway does this look correct from a security standpoint. I use a second salt to append to the password to increase the entropy of short passwords, probably overkill but why not?\[code\]function crypt_password($password) {if ($password) { //find the longest valid salt allowed by server $max_salt = CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH; //blowfish hashing with a salt as follows: "$2a$", a two digit cost parameter, "$", and 22 base 64 $blowfish = '$2a$10$'; //get the longest salt, could set to 22 crypt ignores extra data $salt = get_salt ( $max_salt ); //get a second salt to strengthen password $salt2 = get_salt ( 30 ); //set to whatever //append salt2 data to the password, and crypt using salt, results in a 60 char output $crypt_pass = crypt ( $password . $salt2, $blowfish . $salt ); //insert crypt pass along with salt2 into database. $sql = "insert into database...."; return true; }} function get_salt($length) {$options = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789./';$salt = '';for($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i ++) { $options = str_shuffle ( $options ); $salt .= $options [rand ( 0, 63 )];}return $salt;}function verify_password($input_password){if($input_password){ //get stored crypt pass,and salt2 from the database $stored_password = 'somethingfromdatabase'; $stored_salt2 = 'somethingelsefromdatabase'; //compare the crypt of input+stored_salt2 to the stored crypt password if (crypt($input_password . $stored_salt2, $stored_password) == $stored_password) { //authenticated return true; } else return false;}else return false;}\[/code\]