Am I thinking right?LINK?

Please advise me on connecting pages or forms to my website.<br />
I am not talking about linking websites to my page.<br />
I am new to html and can not figure this out.<br />
Thanks<br />
Dee:)<!--content-->I don't think I understand. can you explain what you want again.<!--content-->Scott...Thanks for your reply..I guess I feel stupid but I really am not but I have tried to figure this out and could not.....what I mean is, first, you have your opening web page, then I want to add a form to an existing page..your buttons...home...about..(ect) how do I add that page to link to the button and where do I get the buttons at?<br />
do you understand what I am talking about now? sorry if i sound confused but thanks for your help<br />
Dee<!--content-->ok that sounds better but I think you are confused. that is not a form, that is a page you can have included to your existing page. what you want is SSI (ServerSide Includes)<br />
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unless you meant something totally different then can you show me what you are talking about.<br />
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if you goto my page (link in Sig) you can search for SSI on tutorials.<!--content-->If my head is screwd on right i think you want to know how to hyperlink.<br />
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The basics are:<br />
<br />
<a href="somepagename.html">Click here</a><br />
<br />
In the above you put your page that you want to link to on the place of somepagename.html and the text that you want the end user to click on where Click here is.<br />
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To use a button or graphic of a link then instead of the above use this.<br />
<br />
<a href="somepagename.html"><img src="someimagename.gif"></a><br />
<br />
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the differance is that you use an image tag where you would have wrote Click here. all you need to change in this one compared to the first one is where it says someimagename.gif change that to your image name.<br />
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As for where to get buttons from they are just images and you can make them or you can search the web for free web graphics and Download <!--more--> some from some sites. <br />
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I hope this helps but if i was wrong can you show us a link to a page that contains what you want to do.<!--content-->Scoutt was right with using ssi. You would use code such as <!--#include file="menu.htm"--> . Your file name might have to be name .shtm. This all depends on how your webserver is setup...<br />
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Jared<!--content-->TutorTip: When you do your 'hyperlinking' within your site carefully choose rich 'keywords'as the words for the hyperlink & it will enhance your EngineRank..<br />
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it's true.....100% the truth.. the spiders love this kinda food!:rocker: :D<!--content-->