Am I doing this right with OOP PHP?


New Member
Hello, I'm now in the process of rewriting one of my script (contact script with ajax) with OOP PHP after I read a lot about its advantages.The script became longer but I think this is good in oop. I have read a lot of articles about how to code php using oop , but it's still confusing to me.The Code First look at this part of the script: \[code\]/* * Validate the data that was given by the user */public function isDataVaild() { if (array_filter($_POST, array($this, '_isDataEmpty'))) { $this->_error('Please fill all the required info'); return false; } if (!filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $this->_error('Please use a vaild email'); return false; } if (!isset($_SESSION['captcha']) || $_SESSION['captcha'] != $_POST['captcha']) { $this->_error('Plese make sure you to enter the correct answer to the spam question'); return false; } return true;}/* * Check is the values are empty or not */protected function _isDataEmpty($val) { return(empty(trim($val)));}/* * Check if there is seesion in not valid or if it does not pass the exploit test */public function isThereExploit () { if(array_filter($_POST, array($this, '_validateExploit')) || !$this->_isSessionValid()) { if($this->_ajax) { $this->_error('Exploit Detected'); } else { $this->_error("<strong style='color: red'>Warning</strong>: An Exploitation attempt has been detected!"); } return false; } return true;}/* * Test to see if the values have an exploit */protected function _validateExploit($val) { $exploitPattrens = array('content-type', 'to:', 'bcc:', 'cc:', 'document.cookie', 'document.write', 'onclick', 'onload', '\n', '\r', '\t', '%0A', '%0D', '%08', '%09'); foreach ($exploitPattrens as $exploit) { if (strpos($val, $exploit) !== false){ return true; } } return false;}/* * Check if the session is vaild for this user */protected function _isSessionValid() { return ($_POST['token'] == $_SESSION['token']);}/* * Make some sanitizing to the givin value */protected function _clean(&$variable) { $variable = trim(filter_var($variable, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)); return $variable;}/* * Make the message ready to be sent by removing extra data and fixing the rest */protected function _cleanMessage() { foreach ($_POST as $key => &$val) { if ($key == 'email') { $val = strtolower($val); } if ($key == 'captcha' || $key == 'token') { unset($_POST[$key]); } $this->_clean($val); } return $_POST;}/* * Make the message after checking if the data is vaild and clean */private function _makeMessage() { if(!$this->_ajax) { if(!$this->isDataVaild()) { return; } } if(!$this->isThereExploit()) { return; } $messageEntries = $this->_cleanMessage(); $message_start = "<div dir='rtl' style='padding: 50px 0 100px;background: #eeeeee; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'><h1 align='center' style='font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold;color: #989898;margin-bottom: 35px'>New Message</h1><table width='600' align='center' border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #dddddd;font-size: 16px;' cellpadding='14' cellspacing='2'>"; $message_end = "</table><p style='margin:0;color:#CACACA;font-size:10px;padding-top:20px;text-align:center;'><a style='color:#CACACA;text-decoration:none;' href=''>coolContact v1.2</a> - Developed & Designed by Maher Salam, &copy; <a style='color:#CACACA;text-decoration:none;' href=''></a></p></div>"; $this->_message .= $message_start; foreach ($messageEntries as $id => $entrie) { $this->_message .= "<tr valign='top' bgcolor='#ffffff'><td width='90' align='left' style='color: #989898;'><b>" . $id . '</b></td><td>' . nl2br($entrie) . '</td></tr>'; $this->_messagePlein .= $id . ': ' . nl2br($entrie) . '\r\n'; } $this->_message .= $message_end;}/* * Send the message and return true if it worked */public function send() { $this->_makeMessage(); require 'class.phpmailer-lite.php'; $mail = new PHPMailerLite(); $mail->Mailer = 'mail'; $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->SetFrom($this->_senderEmail, $this->_senderName); $mail->AddAddress($this->_recieverEmail); $mail->Subject = $this->_messageTitle; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Body = $this->_message; $mail->AltBody = $this->_messagePleins; $mail->Send(); return true;}\[/code\]I know this might be a lot of code to read, but I wanted to give you the whole picture :)The ProblemIs there a better way to rewrite some of these functions (like \[code\]makeMessage()\[/code\])? And how about performance?Thanks in advance.