am getting an error Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Array' is undefined

Microsoft JScript runtime error: \[code\]'Array'\[/code\] is undefined\[code\]var Page_Validators = new Array(document.getElementById("rfvOthers"), document.getElementById("rfvREJECT_REASON_COMMENTS"));\[/code\]Can Anybody Tell me what may be the solution for thisUpdate
on click of button am using the Following Function that cause the issue
it works fine in ie8 while it cause error in ie 9\[code\]function ClientValidation() { if ($("#hidTabValue").val() == "15268") { $("#trOthers").show(); _ValidatorEnable(document.getElementById('rfvOthers'), true); _ValidatorEnable(document.getElementById('rfvREJECT_REASON_COMMENTS'), false); $("#trREJECT_REASON_OTHER").hide(); $("#hidOther").val($("#txtOthers").val()); }}\[/code\]