alternatives to resizeTo() / By () and moveTo (By)...


New Member

Since it seems MSIE / Mac doesn't respond correctly to the usual resizeTo(), resizeBy(), moveTo() and moveBy(), and since the whole project I'm working on depends on moving and scaling popup windows somewhat precisely, I would just love you to give me any idea of some workaround, alternative methods, tricks, to move them goddamn windows. (Unfortunately, Netscape seems to be the only browser that does what it's supposed to in this regard, so I can't go and tell people to use any browser but IE.)
(Maybe I should say what I want. Here it is: I have two very small (100/100px) popup windows next to each other. Clicking into - say- the left one makes this one grow to 500/500 and moves the other as though the growing one would push it aside. Then clicking into the other makes that one grow and the other one shrink (gradually, in like 10 or 15 steps) likewise, still side by side of each other, so now the left border of the right one moves leftwise, as if beeing tracted by the shrinking window on the left. Accordingly, once one of them has been clicked into, the size of the two windows together would always remain at 500/600px (if they aren't displaced manualy).
A bit hard to explain, but a very simple and elegant movement to observe. Once I get it working, I shall love to present it to you.)

thanks so much for any idea.


[ps. this goes back to the last thread I started; but since it's a different question now, I thought I'd better start a new thread. I hope that is right.]