Alternate Text Background Colour


Heya,<br />
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Just a quick question, is there a way to change the colour of the text and the colour of the little box that pops up to show your alternative text. By this I mean for example, if you hover your mouse over the PM button under this post, the black text on an orangy yellowish background comes up saying "Click here to send Mopy a PM".<br />
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Thanks :)<br />
Mopes<!--content-->can you not just use <div> or <span> ?<br />
i am guessing you are pretty advanced, cuyz it looks like you are trying to make some kind of forum software.<!--content-->Heya Morrowasted,<br />
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Sorry, my fault, I should have checked that first. No idea why it didn't come to me :rolleyes: <br />
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Thought I should say too, even though I'd like to be advanced, I'm not at all. Just thought it'd be interesting to know how to do it, as all I ever see is the 'black text in orange box'.<br />
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Thanks very much :)<br />
Mopes<!--content-->maybe use CSS on the Alt tags?<br />
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alt {background-color: "#FFFFFF"}<br />
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or whatever it would be for the Alt.<!--content-->i have never seen that code for ALT before...btw ur welcome<!--content-->Let me know if it works or not. I'm a little busy right now with school stuff or I would check it myself.<!--content-->yeah, check that out, cuz that would be some easy code to use in the future!<!--content-->Search Google for dhtml tooltip. You should find the effect you're looking for.<!--content-->um we already answered his Q i think.<!--content-->Originally posted by morrowasted <br />
um we already answered his Q i think. <br />
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You guys gave him code that doesn't even work... :rolleyes: <br />
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You can't change the Alt Text's background colour with HTML and CSS. Besides, Alt Text is not intended to be used as tool tips. That what 'title' is for.<br />
You have to use dHTML for customed-coloured tool tips.<!--content-->lol thanks guys, I'm still here. I tried your ideas, but couldn't get them to work. It's possible that that's just me though ;) <br />
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I ended up with a dHTML tooltip generator, cheers Arctic, works a treat.<br />
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Take Care<br />
Mopes<!--content-->you cant just(dont make fun of me if i am way off, i have never done this)?:<br />
<div bgColor=yellow><br />
<font color=black><br />
TEXT<br />
</div><!--content-->That'll colour the page itself, not the Alt popup.<br />
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The colour of the Alt popup is set by the operating system.<!--content-->OH THATS WHAT HE WANTED! oops... i was way off!<!--content-->Take a look at this site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I had a quick look and they seem to tell you how to change the alt text's font on the broken image, but not in the box that appears when you hover it.<br />
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They say: "If you, using a graphic browser such as IE or Netscape, move the cursor over the broken image above, you may see the browser's display of the ALT text. And the author cannot affect how it is displayed".<!--content-->