altering text fields


I am making a mailing list, single line with a submit button. I've substituted the 'standard gray' submit button with a graphic which works fine, but I'm trying to customize the text field, making the field narrower (which I have done, no problem) but I cannot make the actual text smaller to fit into the box.<br />
An example of this is as above in the 'search html forums' search box. I've looked at the code for this but cannot get it to work in my file.<br />
Any Ideas???<br />
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Rob<!--content-->you will also notice in the search box above that the cursor is standard height and it is getting cut off. type a letter in there, how much do you see of that letter? so the smaller you make that box the more the letters get cut off. besides doing this will not affect netscape, as it will make it regular size.<!--content-->When I type in the small text box above, the text is of a different size, something like 8pt and is all visible. Maybe this is just an IE feature, but it is a shame that it doesn't work accross the board, as I don't have much room to get my text box and submit button in. This might need some re-thinking. Thanks for your help anyway!<br />
Rob.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
you will also notice in the search box above that the cursor is standard height and it is getting cut off. type a letter in there, how much do you see of that letter? so the smaller you make that box the more the letters get cut off. besides doing this will not affect netscape, as it will make it regular size. Hmm, I dont know what you're seeing scoutt, but the text resizes and fits the input box fine here in both IE and NS.<br />
Robbie, here is the code the form box uses, you can adjust it to suit your own.<br />
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<CENTER><FONT style="font-size: 9px;"><INPUT TYPE=text style="height: 12;" size=16 border=0 name=query class="text8"></FONT></CENTER><br />
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Notice the text style class it uses. Here it is below.<br />
<br />
.text8 {<br />
FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial; FONT-SIZE: 8px; <br />
}<br />
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I hope this helps.<!--content-->I see the box is small and when you click in it the cursor is cut off. it has been this way for a long time. if you type in the letter "p" I see the top loop part and the bottom is cut off. I think it only happens in IE as I haven't tried NS yet. I will tonight. I think this was mentioned in the feedback a couple of months ago. I am using at work IE5.0 on win2k. so let me go home and see it on IE6 and NS4.79 adn NS6.1.<br />
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I typed in pqg, see if you can see the difference.<!--content-->You are correct that the font is cut off at the bottom. However, I don't think it's due to the way browsers interpret the code. Instead, I believe that it's due to the fact that the font size is set to 8 px. This is smaller than 8 pt font. When a browser has to render fonts to a size smaller than originally intended, funny things can happen. Such as the font looking like it was cut off at the botom.<br />
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I could be wrong though. I'm still trying to find out how many pixels are in each point.<!--content-->well try this. make the box smaller and keep the font the default size and see if it changes. I think it will be just like that, all cut off. NS is the same way, it has teh letters cut off. you would think if you made teh box smaller then the font size smaller to match it would look normal, but since the box is smaller and the font is getting cut off, I think the font didn't change.<!--content-->