Hi - Newbie here with a Q:I am a project manager at a web company interested in getting more knowledge of SEO and Google ranking. My designers tend to prefer using graphics for nav buttons (sometimes with internal javascript rollovers). A sample of such can be found at: http://www.davismachineco.com This leads me to a few questions:1. Which is more valuable, to assign an ALT tag with keyword to each nav button, or assign a title tag to the actual link (in the href statement)?2. Will google barf on the javascript reference regardless of what I do?3. I've heard that google ignores keywords, but does consider title/description fields in the META... is this accurate, or is it just content/PR that is used to assign rank? If title/description are used, is there an acceptable character length? Will you be penalized for exceeding it?Any help appreciated greatly.Regards,[fade][/fade]The alt tag and title tag are about the same as far as their effect on ranking...provided the graphic with the alt tag is alink and not just a graphic....anchor text is much more important...so if your using a graphic then make sure you supplement it with a set of footer links that leverage anchor text.google is not good at reading javascript...but I hear they are trying...haven't seen it yet though.Quote:cosmicvapour wrote:hi rtm, can you find a good article/link on why javascript rollover is bad?this other guy is irritating me with his emails, saying how good javascript rollover is...and I am not bothered to show that his argument is flawed.just want to get him off my back.. as for the traditional image tag link with js to change the source, verses the CSS rollover I have posted above and purely off the top of my head:javascript rollover = about 100 lines of code for all the browser sniffingCSS rollover = circa 10-20 (with clever grouping, depending on number of buttons)CSS rollover (as above) requires single image, as opposed to 2, less http transactions = quicker d/l timeCSS rollover does not require the javascript preload script (add on another 100 lines with even more browser sniffing Um, 10%ish of people have javascript turned off, so the rollover doesn't work for them and the page looks all skankyIf the user doesn't support CSS they will get a plain text link, so all is good thereSearch engines will see a plain text link, which is more powerful than a image tagHow much more do you want? heheh. I was after a linky and just copy paste link n email that guy. ~the end~I'll vote NO for the javascripts links!come to think about it. ozzu uses js for their links effects. (turning grey to red). it seems like this form of js, (not rollovers) doesnt have negative effects...hmm.the script used here is for formatting purposes only...all the anchor text and link code is readable to the se's....it works more like cssyes i agree with that. they work well with se.