I have a div with an anchor and icon.\[code\]<a id="createWave_addStation"><img class="createWaveToolBarImg" src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14054267/img/mapIcons/ico_station.png"></a>\[/code\]I drag this and want to drop it on an OpenLayers map. Because img's have draggable as default, I don't set it here. Now When I drag the icon, the img does not get dragged along so I only see the cursor. How can I show the icon od the dragged thing. This is my code, but it doesnt work.\[code\]$('#createWave_addStation').bind("dragstart", function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); console.log("drag start"); enableGetMouseupEvent(); var dragIcon = document.createElement('img'); dragIcon.src = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14054267/ICO_STATION; dragIcon.width = 100; ev.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImg(dragIcon, -10, -10); });\[/code\]Well the code itself works, but the img is not shown while dragging