

New Member
What is the correct way to do this? What does it search for? How can you use it to your advantage?I'm familar with allinanchor: used like this: allinanchor:keyword phrase or justallinanchor:keyword phraseThe difference is the first one will return all links in the site that use the keyphrase as their anchor text....the other will show all sites using the keyphrase in the anchor text.Do not put an http:// in your site:url or it will fail.I can't seem to get allinurl to work. I was looking to see if google indexed anymore of my pages and I keep getting sites outside mine.allinurl: site.comIsn't that the correct format?Check out this post, it explains what each command does: think what you want is site:www.domain.comThis will show you all the pages that google knows about....regardless of PR.Yeah, allinurl is on that list. It is basically the same except sorted by PR. It isn't working when I try it though.Make sure your not putting a space after the ":"Allinurl: will not tell you how many pages are in the index. You need to use for that.