all the dirs go here


New Member
Hey guys it would be great for everyone if youll could list all the directories youll submit your sites oni know only 2 and yahookeep addiong guyscommon sure youll submit your sites to directories..I think the problem with this post is that most of the regulars around here realize that very quickly all this post will be is a place where people try to spam their own directories. I don't think many folks really care too much about this. By the time this gets to page two if it gets that far, you won't be able to tell the good from the bad or the ugly.Plus it's slow today. Haven't been many people posting all day.If you do a search on Ozzu, you will find a ton of threads listing directories people have found.okies http://www.ruuz.comhttp://www.jupt.comhttp://www.sluze.comhttp://www.precised.comhttp://www.seointernet.netThe above directories are some of them that I own.Maybe you will find them useful in building your list of dirs.