All text is displayed on one line???


Staff member
I have a textbox which displays data from the database - except it shows all the data in one line rather than moving the text to the next line when the end of the textbox is reached???

PS Using vb.netHi

Did you tried setting Textbox1.multiline = True . If not after setting the multiline try using vbCrLf between the data you want to see in Multiline.

Something like this :
TextBox1.Text = "hello how r u" + vbCrLf + "hello" + vbCrLf + "world"

Hope it helpful.

MarikannaThanks for your help, I'm now trying to make the formatting work when the data is displayed in a label!

Cheerswhen assigning the lable do something like

lblId.Text = "<pre>" & yourVariable & "</pre>"

EricThanks, in the end I changed my line:
Replace(Row.Item("Category"), vbCrLf, "<br>")

and all is well, thanks for the help :)