We had to change all of our subpages to establish new based systems and now more than 500 hundred ranking subpages url changed.They have all pr3 ranks and brining SE traffic since that time.The previous page urls were like url.com/cpanel/cpanel/subpages.html now they turned to something like url.com/cpanel files/subpages.html ..Is there any way to automatically url redirect the previous subpage url to the new matching subpages url?Only by this way i think we may push the PR and backlicks values of previous url's for the same hundreds of subpages and will help to google understand those pages have new sub folders and permanently removed there.I think this is possible by mod rewrites but I have no idea how to do that at this time.I think u need to use 301 redirects. The same concept for domain redirecting will work out. NickyI know i should consider mod rewrite but i cant do that for 500+ times for 500 + urls.The point how can i make all url.com/cpanel/cpanel/subpagesX.html nowmoved to the url.com/cpanel files/subpagesX.html .. The /cpanel/cpanel/ turned to the /cpanel files/ how can rewrite this ? So all subpages under /cpanel/cpanel/ updated as /cpanel files/ Yes now i understand your point.use a simlpe .htaccess rewrite..I think I made it after several tries Code: [ Select ]