aligning the the twitter widget in navigation bar


New Member
I'm building the following project website and would like to add the twitter widget as part of the navigation bar to cover the need for announcements, project updates, "what's new" etc. While adding the twitter widget I bump into two issues. The first issue is that I can't find the way to vertically align the widget correctly even when I inline the style like this \[code\]<li style="vertical-align: middle;">\[/code\], what shall I do here to get the correct middle vertical alignment? The second issue is that upon loading, the style is shown incorrectly and then it "loads" the correct button style on the fly, you can see this unwanted effect by refreshing the page. How can I avoid this?UPDATE: the second issue seems to be related to remotely loading the js file from the twitter server. I think I could solve this by simply inlining the file into my project website.