aligning images to bottom of page


Hi I have a long thin image that I want to place at the bottom of my web pages. You can aligh images to the right of the page easily, is it possble to align them to the bottom?<!--content-->Okay, do you want it at the bottom of the window, or the webpage?<!--content-->bottom of the webpage for now, but actually would also like to know if there is a way to it to the bottom of the window with out using frames,<br />
thanks<!--content--><img src="url" style="position:absolute; bottom:0px;"><br />
or <br />
style="position:absolute; top:100%; margin-top:-XXpx;" where the xx is the height of the image.<!--content-->thats great thanks,<br />
is it possible to limit how far the image travels up the page when the user changes the size of the window?<!--content-->yes, off the top of my head I think the best solution would be to put a div right above the image, or in the same block element as the image and have something like<br />
style="min-height:XXpx;" then have the background of that be transparent or something so the user would not see it. If you used margin-top it would reposition the image, so thats why that would not be the answer.<!--content-->Thanks thats good,<br />
but theres one more thing. As it is the image goes to the bottom of the screen fine, and if you restore the window it again goes to the bottom, but if you use the side scroll bar it stays where it is. Is there anyway to get it to move when the side scroll bar is moved?<br />
thanks<!--content-->so when you scroll up it comes up too? Yes there aree ways to do that but it is jumpy, similar to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... cmenu3.htm</a><!-- m --> Your best bet would be a bottom frame if you are going for smoothness. If you only want an image to be at the bottom you can try fixing it there as a background image. But if you do that text will overlap it.<!--content-->ok thanks,<br />
no, it doesnt scroll up when i use the scroll bar, it only scrolls up when I resize the window.<!--content-->no I was asking if thats what you wanted it to do. You want it to scroll up when you use the scroll bar correct?<!--content-->yea, thats what I want to do. OK I get it, I can use javascript or frames, will look in to it , thanks a lot<!--content-->