Aligning Image and Text


Hi guys!!<br />
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I'd like to know how could I align image and text such way that the image would be in the left side and the text on the right side of the picture.<br />
I know this is a silly question... and please tell me how to do it without tables.<br />
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Thank You!!<!--content-->Well... I think I got it.<!--content-->And the answer is .....<br />
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[for the benefit of future surfers to this message who might be here from a web search, just looking for that answer]<!--content-->In CSS..<br />
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img {<br />
float: left<br />
}<br />
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In case anyone else is interested.:D<!--content--><img src="image.jpg" align="left"><br />
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That's it!<!--content-->Sorry guys!<br />
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I appologize, i didn't post the solution there... mea culpa!<br />
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Yes , Goldilocs is right that is the answer.<br />
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Again sorry for not posting the answer, at the time I was so into making the page that I didn't realize that I should've post the answer.<br />
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See ya!<!--content-->