Aligning a Menu


It was recently suggested to me that I place the menus on my site directly under my title image (with no space), and all the way to the right, with the sides of my image and my menu lining up. However, I'm not sure how to do that. I tried placing an <align="left"> in the <td> tag, but that didn't work. What should I do?<br />
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-Brandon<!--content-->which menu?<!--content-->Sorry;<br />
The JS drop-down Menu at the top, under the title image.<!--content-->I see this<br />
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<tr align="right"><br />
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andyou want left. I think you did the wrong one :)<!--content-->No, the page right now is how I created it to look. Someone mentioned I should try moving the drop-down menu at the top over to the right, and up a little, so that it's flush with the right edge of my title image. I just wanted to give that a try and see what it looked like, but can't get it to work right. Any suggestions?<!--content-->that is why I suggested in my last post. you have align="right" in there already and you wnat to go left you have to align="left" instead.<br />
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but I see you have taken that out so the only place it can be postioning is in the javascript files. have a look in there.<!--content-->