

Staff member
I got a problem, I made a table that has two cells, first one with an image the second with text, when i type text into the cell that is more lines then the image the table start spreading out and making both the cells bigger. When it makes the cell with the images in it bigger the image tryes to center it's self and makes it look sloppy, so what i need is the code for aligning everthing within a cell to the top left hand corner of the cell. <br />
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Homegu@rd<!--content-->valign="top"<br />
<br />
align="left"<br />
<br />
:)<br />
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Actually beyond that it's impossible to say without seeing your code (for the whole page not just the table). I also suspect you haven't set a predefined width for the cell with the image in.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->worked thank you sir<!--content-->